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Places in Philly: The Philadelphia Zoo

The Philadelphia Zoo is America's first zoo and it is home to more than 1,300 animals. Many of the animals are rare and endangered. The Philadelphia Zoo is the leading family attraction in the City. Our Zoo is my favorite place to go in Philadelphia. The photos shown below range between the years of 2007 and 2010. I have a lot of them, but they don't even show half of what the Zoo has to offer. We get a yearly membership and the children love it!

Location: 3400 West Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19104
For fares and memberships fees please visit the Zoo's website:

Zoo Habitats:
African Plains
Australian Animals
Big Cat Falls
Bear Country
Bird Valley
Carnivore Kingdom
Children's Zoo
McNeil Avian Center
Monkey Junction
Pachyderm House
PECO Primate Reserve
Prairie Dogs
Rare Animal Conservation Center
Reptile and Amphibian House
Reptile Exercise Yard
Small Mammal House
Tortoise Trail

Other attractions and things to do:
Amazon Rainforest Carousel
Birds of Australia - feed colorful lorikeets and lories
Camel Safari Ride
Channel 6 Zooballoon - Enjoy
an awesome view of Philadelphia and Fairmount Park on this Ride
Draft Horse and Pony Rides
PZ Express - Children's ride, Victorian Era train.
PZ Panning Co. - Children can pan for gems and take them home.
Swan Boat Ride
Educational programs and workshops for children
Treehouse - For members only.
Indoor and outdoor food concessions
Stroller and Wheelchair Rentals
Other various events and workshops

I Love how the Peacocks and ducks are free to walk around the Zoo all day. This beautiful bird walked right up to our table :)

The baby Giraffe is Abigail. She was born 7/17/ 2010 at the Philadelphia Zoo.

In the Children's Zoo

Inside the Tree House:

Inside the Reptile & Amphibian House


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