Over the past few days I've been reading some stories, blogs and comments bashing families that have a large number of children. This is all due to the controversy over Nadya Suleman and the Octuplets. My how we judge. It's crazy and a little disappointing that people are so angry. We are raising eight kids together now. 8 It takes a village, and we have a strong support system of family and friends. The children are 12, 8, 7, 7, 5, 4 , 4 & 1. One child has juvenile diabeties, one child was born premature and one child has Biliary Atresia. Somedays we want to pull our hair out and we yell at each other because we are frustrated. Those days don't over shadow the good ones. We are a step-family and it's very challenging. The Jeub family posted on their website that they received this message recently: "You guys who say we want to have as many as GOD gives us sicken me. This is not the medieval times, this is an advanced age [where] everyone has access to b