Breaking up with someone is hard, especially if you had a strong connection with them. While it's important to move on after a breakup, some people don't seem to get the memo. They try to stay in touch with their exes, even though the relationship is over. But the question is, why do they do it? And more importantly, why shouldn't you entertain their efforts?
It's a Delaying Tactic: Men who try to stay in touch with their exes are simply delaying the inevitable. They don't want to let go completely, so they keep themselves in the picture, hoping that their exes will eventually change their minds. This tactic can delay the healing process for both parties involved, and it's not fair to either of them. The sooner you cut ties with your ex, the faster you can move on with your life.
It Shows a Lack of Respect: Men who try to stay in touch with their exes don't always realize that they are not showing respect for their former partner's decision to end the relationship. By trying to stay in touch, they are not respecting the other person's need for space and closure. It's important to respect each other's decisions and move on gracefully.
It's Distracting: By continuing to "check-in," your ex is taking up a lot of your mental and emotional energy. It's not easy to fully move on and close the chapter when someone is always hovering around. Plus, it's distracting and you won't be able to put your full focus and energy into healing your heart and moving on.
It Can Be Intimidating: Men who try to stay in touch with their exes might try to manipulate them into seeing them as a more mature, consistent and reliable partner, one they didn't prove themselves to be while in the relationship. This tactic can be intimidating and fearful for you, and cause you to doubt your own healing process. It's important to build your confidence back up, and not let someone else's actions impact your ability to move forward.
You owe it to yourself to move on and discover all the amazing things the world has to offer. By looking back and entertaining your ex's efforts, you're not allowing yourself to freely navigate singlehood, or opening yourself up to new opportunities.
It's not easy to close the door on someone who was once an important part of your life, but it's important to remember that dwelling on the past can hinder your ability to enjoy the present. By moving on from your past relationship and not entertaining your ex's efforts, you give yourself the freedom to start anew and rediscover who you are as an individual. It's time to focus on yourself and your happiness, and leave the past where it belongs.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio |
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