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Week 30 - My Story In Photos

This week for I Heart Faces we are to tell about one thing our family loves to do in the summer. We love to spend time with our family. We have a different event almost every weekend & we just have a blast! Our events usually include the whole family. The first photo is my little cousin sitting on the step at one of our block parties.


  1. It looks like you had a great summer! I'm so jealous of the beach pictures!

  2. What a great summer! I love the beach pictures and the face paint ones! So cute :)

  3. looks like you guys had an awesome, wonderful time! i loved your photos - so bright, and fun :O)

    i have my summer shots posted also, feel free to come on over and visit anytime :O)

  4. Great pictures! I love the one of your daughters at the festival, their bright colors stand out against the b&w & look fab!


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