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Showing posts with the label Parenting

Back to School Shopping

Is it just me, or is Back to School shopping extra-expensive this year???? I think it's a combination of my pay check not going as far as it used to and the fact that all of my children are in school now. I only have to buy uniforms for three of them this year, but that doesn't really matter. Looking on the bright side: At least I don't have to buy one of those expensive calculators this year.

Thursday Thoughts

I guess there comes a time when every mother has to come face to face with their teenager and let them know who's boss. Mother/daughter relationships can be difficult during these years. This Thursday's Thought: "Mother Nature is providential. She gives us twelve years to develop a love for our children before turning them into teenagers." ~William Galvin The reason behind the thought: My daughter crossed a line last night. This line crossing showed blatant disrespect and has changed our relationship forever. My daughter turned 13 in March. It's only been a few months and one of my worst fears has already come true. The fear that she would one day forget how much I love her and how much I've been here for her through the years. I've never had a teenager before and this is all new to me, but one thing I am not going to do is play friends with her and allow her to disrespect me.

"We'll match you, dollar for dollar"

Not long ago I posted a Blog about this wonderful organization and how they are helping inner city youth experience life outside of the city. I think this is great because it is at no expense to the children and could make a world of difference in their lives. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so! A group of generous donors has decided to match all donations received in the month of June, dollar for dollar. Please donate by June 30th so that your donation can be matched. If you'd thought about this before and thought to yourself, "$25.00 is nothing." This is the time to erase that thought. This month $25.00 is $50.00. So if you can spare it, and you feel that this is a good cause, please contribute to The Fresh Air Fund .

Sedation, of a Toddler

Does anyone know what a 3 year old drunk acts like? Loopy and unable to walk straight. Won't sit still. They say stuff that would normally get them tapped in their little mouth, or at least scolded. Once you get them to sleep, they will sleep for long periods of time. They wake up in the middle of the night muttering about events that happened the day before, then quickly fall back to sleep. She will wake up the next morning acting very hyper. My youngest daughter was given medication at the hospital, so that she could have all her dental work done in one shot. This is what happens when your child is under the influence (of legal narcotics). Thank goodness this is all over and I have my little girl back.

A Breath of Fresh Air

It is a breath of fresh air just to know that organizations like this exist. Check out this video from The Fresh Air Fund: The Fresh Air Fund is an organization that gives inner-city youth, from low-income families living in New York City, an opportunity to experience life in the country or suburbs. The program allows these children to enjoy a FREE, Fresh Air Vacation for two weeks in the summer. Right Now, The Fresh Air Fund is in need of Host Families. If you live in any of the participating states (listed below), and if you have room in your home and in your heart, please open your door to a child this summer. Contact The Fresh Air Fund for more details on becoming a host family. There are no financial obligations and hosts get to choose the age group and gender of the child they will bring into their home. So if you have an eight year old daughter, you could host a girl in that age group to hang out with your little girl and vacation at your home for two weeks. The Fresh Air Fund

Snuggle Moms

Back in the day my mom used to use Snuggle Fabric Softener. I used to think I had picked it out for her because I would always say, "get the one with the bear on it," and she would. Now that I'm older I know she bought it because it's a good product and it made our clothes smell good. If you're a fan of Snuggle brand fabric softers (like I am), you have to check out the new Snuggle Creme! Sweet Almond Essence If you have not heard of Snuggle Creme yet, see the video: Right now you can get $2.00 off. (So, take advantage of it while it lasts, it sure beats paying full price for Downy)