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Showing posts with the label Life

Volunteering with the Wissahickon Restoration Volunteers

I went to the Wissahickon on April 9th, 2011 and planted trees with the Wissahickon Restoration Volunteers and students from the University of Pennsylvania. There were 35 trees that needed to be planted. There were flags marking where the trees were to be planted. Our group picked the spot where we would plant our first tree. We had to do a little invasive plant removal to clear away three feet around where the tree would be planted. Most of it had been removed already and the dead vines of the plants were everywhere. We also had to dig up the root of the invasive plant that was in the spot where the tree would go. Once the invasive was removed and the hole was dug. We planted the tree. The first tree we planted was a Hackberry Tree. The Hackberry Tree produces berries and it’s a good food and shelter tree for wildlife. The second tree we planted was a White Oak Tree. The White Oak is going to grow big and also provide shelter and food for wildlife. After we planted the trees we then

Vintage & Retro Style Wedding Dresses

Sources: David's Bridal Unique Vintage Retro Wedding Dresses Vintage Gowns & Bridal Gowns

Awesome Santa Blog Shares Children's Wishes for Christmas

Santa Says  Santa's Blog shares children's Christmas wishes and many aren't asking for toys: My Grandma’s nightgown has holes in it you can see through and I don’t like to, so she needs a new one, and her Mix Masters broke too. I want $500 to help Mommy pay all the bills because we are getting a little poor and she worries so much. You can skip all the toys this year. What I want is for my brother to get better, to speak and act like he used to and not have to take pills all the time. Can you make me magic? Dear Santa, will you let dad spean time with us. I need your help. Dear Santa, All I wish is to see my Grandpa for Christmas. Please for me. All I want is for my baby cousin Brandon to get better. Visit his blog to see what Santa Says!

Back to School Shopping

Is it just me, or is Back to School shopping extra-expensive this year???? I think it's a combination of my pay check not going as far as it used to and the fact that all of my children are in school now. I only have to buy uniforms for three of them this year, but that doesn't really matter. Looking on the bright side: At least I don't have to buy one of those expensive calculators this year.

Bad Days

I could go down the list of everything that went wrong for me today, but instead I will just hope tomorrow is better. Gotta think positive you know?

Thursday Thoughts

I guess there comes a time when every mother has to come face to face with their teenager and let them know who's boss. Mother/daughter relationships can be difficult during these years. This Thursday's Thought: "Mother Nature is providential. She gives us twelve years to develop a love for our children before turning them into teenagers." ~William Galvin The reason behind the thought: My daughter crossed a line last night. This line crossing showed blatant disrespect and has changed our relationship forever. My daughter turned 13 in March. It's only been a few months and one of my worst fears has already come true. The fear that she would one day forget how much I love her and how much I've been here for her through the years. I've never had a teenager before and this is all new to me, but one thing I am not going to do is play friends with her and allow her to disrespect me.