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Showing posts with the label Family

Places in Philly: The Liberty Bell Center

The photo above is the Independence Visitor's Center located across the street from the Liberty Bell Center. The Visitor center is located at 6th and Market Streets and they are open 363 days a year from 8:30am to 5pm. The Liberty Bell Center is located on Market Street between 5th and 6th Streets. The photos below begin with the outside of the center. Exhibits outside of the Liberty Bell Center Inside the Center: The Bell was first called the "Liberty Bell" by a group trying to outlaw slavery. In the 1800s, the Liberty Bell traveled around the country to expositions and fairs to help heal the divisions of the Civil War. The actual Bell No one knows what caused the bell to crack. The first bell cracked not long after it arrived in Philadelphia from London. In 1753 a new bell was cast using the metal from the English bell. By 1846 another crack had began to affect the bell's sound. The bell was repaired in 1846 and it was rung for George Washington's birthday cele

Places in Philly: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Park's New Playground

If you've read my previous blog post about FDR Park in South Philadelphia, then you already know how wonderful this park is. It's a great place for leisure and family fun. The park's playground has recently recieved a serious upgrade! The old playground here: Has been transformed into this super fun playgroud below! My children love, LOVE this new playground. I personally think the old one was fine, and my favorite activity is still, feeding the ducks :) To read my previous blog post click here: FDR Park aka The Lakes

We've all met the Duggars, but have you met The Bateses?

I think they may be the second largest family in America. With 18 children and counting, the Bateses are being labeled as the Duggars rivals. However, the Bateses and Duggars are actually acquaintances. Check out the video as Brian Owens of ABC News meets the family:

Awesome Santa Blog Shares Children's Wishes for Christmas

Santa Says  Santa's Blog shares children's Christmas wishes and many aren't asking for toys: My Grandma’s nightgown has holes in it you can see through and I don’t like to, so she needs a new one, and her Mix Masters broke too. I want $500 to help Mommy pay all the bills because we are getting a little poor and she worries so much. You can skip all the toys this year. What I want is for my brother to get better, to speak and act like he used to and not have to take pills all the time. Can you make me magic? Dear Santa, will you let dad spean time with us. I need your help. Dear Santa, All I wish is to see my Grandpa for Christmas. Please for me. All I want is for my baby cousin Brandon to get better. Visit his blog to see what Santa Says!

Halloween Cookies YaY!

Made these with my Little Ones: Basic Sugar Cookie Dough Recipe + Royal Icing + Children = Fun :)

CSN Stores Product Review

If you've never heard about CSN Stores, let me fill you in: The company, CSN Stores LLC, is an online retailer based in Boston. The company was created in 2002 and quickly grew to become one of the top 3 online U.S. retailers. The company has 200+ websites and 400+ employees. Some of their online stores are; You can find anything from entertainment stands to school supplies at CSN Stores . It's very much like having a shopping mall right at your fingertips. The Review: My lovely grandma gave me a "how-to" book about making fun cakes. My daughters REALLY wanted to make the butterfly shaped cake in the book. That was fine with me, but I needed new bakeware. I had thrown away my old 9" rounds because the finishing was coming off and they appeared rusty. I ordered the Silicone Solutions 5 Piece Burgundy Bakeware Set from CSN Stores . I had never cooked with Silicone B