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It's Been Awhile

It's been a while since I've posted a blog. I'm sure all of my readers have noticed that I've been making some big changes to my blog. I'm not quite done yet. Anyway, I've been considering getting a part time job to make some extra money for Christmas. Only thing is, I already work from 9am-5:30p, so that means I would have to work from 6:30pm-midnight if I were to pick up a second job. Or worse than that, I would have to work weekends. I don't know how this will work out, but I'll be job searching over the next few days. I can't help feeling like this economic crisis is ruining my Holiday spirit. Thumbs down to our shitty economy

Dx'd @ 4: Journey of a Type 1 Diabetic

Young Voices Video: Through November 1st, Discovery Health was accepting video submissions for Young Voices: Life with Diabetes Call to Action. My daughter and I put together a short video (it had to be 60 seconds or less). We did all this work only to find out that our file was too large to be uploaded. That was fixable, but then I realized after reading further, that they were looking for teens and adolescents. Anyway, here is the video we put together: I don't know if it will be posted on Discovery Health's Site. They are selecting certain videos to be voted on.

We Can Fly

Yesterday, my daughter brought home a coloring page of Barack Obama with the following on the back: Crispus Attucks fell so that Rosa Parks could sit. Rosa Parks sat, so that Dr. Martin Luther King could march. Dr. Martin Luther King marched, so that Barack Obama could run, and Barack Obama ran, so that we can fly. It brought a smile to my face.

I Got Tagged

I got tagged yesterday by PromoMama , owner of two geat blogs, Promo Mama and How Does Mama Look? I now have to share 7 random things about myself. Here I go: 1. I'm supposed to be engaged but I still have doubts. 2. I had my first child when I was 15. 3. I can't keep up with the new music anymore. Everytime I turn around my daughter's singing something new. 4. I just saw the Temptations movie for the first time last week. (Where have I been? It was a really good movie). 5. I can watch Law & Order SVU re-runs over and over no matter how many times I've seen them. 6. I spend way too much time on the internet. 7. I take my One-A-Day multi vitamin more than once a day. Now it is my turn to tag!

This Means so Much to me, as a Black Mother

Since I heard the words, "Barack Obama will be our 44th President," I have been going through a tidal wave of emotions. At first I screamed and yelled to express how extremely happy I was. The morning after, I was pretty quiet. I was pretty much speechless the whole day as I tried to take in the events from the night before. Yesterday, I sat teary eyed as I thought about how hard Obama fought for this and how hard many African Americans fought for all of us through history. This is truly a remarkable time in history for us as a people. I am so proud of Barack Obama and his beautiful family. I am grateful for people like him, people like Dr. King, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman. When I was younger, my father often told me, that I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up. He told me that being black and being a woman wouldn't stop me from doing anything that I was really passionate about. However, I remember having a different history book in each grade and

A Blog About Blogging: Label Clouds

Wordpress blogs come with a Label Cloud, instead of the long list of Labels that we have on our Blogger sites. I've found the code and directions for getting one of these nifty little subject boxes, but wouldn't it be nice if Blogger just gave it to us? (By nice I mean simple and less time consuming).